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« In Congo, reclaiming youth from war | Main | Aid used to pay debt instead of helping the poor »

February 16, 2008


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With all due respect, we are not comparing the same things here... Our First Nations people live in extreme poverty. This is a recognized fact. Extreme poverty is defined as the most severe state of poverty, where people cannot meet basic needs for survival, such as food, water, clothing, shelter, sanitation, education and health care.

What I was referring to in my post, is that the father's inebriation was symptomatic of a much bigger underlying issue that is plaguing communities such as Yellow Quill (in Canada and US).

If you want to understand what inspired me to write that post, read the report I was referring to. Here is the report for your convenience:

I applaud you for your efforts to help the Congo. Good luck! Let me know if you organize any events or if you have news you would like to share. I would be happy to help.

Woody Collins


Thanks for your response. You added a new dimension for me. I understand the plight of the First Nations people now.

My hat is off to your efforts. Before my next trip to Canada (Quebec), I will learn more about life in northwest Ontario and the First Nations people. It will make the trip more interesting, enlightening, and educational.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you.


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