This year, as part of the Indianapolis International Film Festival, Provocate is judging the Eric Parker Social Justice Award. This award is intended to recognize a film’s ability to change the audience, its ability to provoke new views of the world, and to stimulate new ideas about addressing serious problems. So we won’t be judging the technical merits of films. We will focus on the conversations that take place after people watch the film.
The one of the two finalists for the Parker Award is “The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo,” which examines the use of rape as a socially and economically devastating weapon in Congo’s brutal civil war. The movie will be shown three times (see below for times); after each screening the audience will be invited to stay for a free-ranging discussion of the significance of the film, the issues it raised, how those issues touch us here in the US, and what we might be able to do to help find solutions. When you join one of these discussions, you’ll help us determine the winner of the Parker award. For more information, see the attached flyer or go to
Here are the show times at the Landmark Keystone Arts (86th and Keystone), “The Greatest Silence”:
• Sunday April 27, noon
• Tuesday April 29, 5:45 PM (filmmaker Lisa Jackson will be present for this post-film discussion)
• Thursday May 1, 1:00 PM
Note the special appearance on April 29 by the maker of “Greatest Silence,” Emmy-winning director Lisa Jackson. This should be a particularly fascinating discussion. Ms Jackson will also discuss her film and other projects noon the next day, April 30, at Lockerbie Square United Methodist Church.
See the attached flyer for details. Download lisa_jackson_flyer.pdf
Please come out and see what is happening to Congolese women and girls.