Yet another showstopper for the peace process in the Wild, Wild East Congo.
Land disputes make it difficult for 400,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to return to their homes. The IDPs fled due to fighting and threats from armed rebel groups operating in South Kivu. Congo-Kinshasa: Land Disputes Complicate Refugee Return to Eastern DR Congo, UN Says (Page 1 of 1).
UN News Service (New York) 9 June 2008 Posted to the web 10 June 2008
The United Nations refugee agency is helping to promote dialogue to ward off disputes over land in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) province of South Kivu, one of the largest issues facing refugees returning to the region.
Land is at the root of many quarrels between Congolese returnees and those who never left the DRC, as well as between refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) today.
To ease the reintegration process for those returning to South Kivu - a province which borders Rwanda and Uganda and has seen relative stability - UNHCR, together with its partners, has been working to encourage mediation.
Dear Heavenly Father, give the authorities the wisdom and offer the people the understanding to settle their land disputes. Peace to all. AMEN.
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