Why didn't Paul and Silas walk out of jail? The answer to this question served as the topic for the sermon at church. The story is recorded in Acts 16:16-34.
Paul was annoyed by fortune-telling slave-girl. Paul commanded the demon to leave out of her. As a result, Paul and Silas were arrested. They were stripped and flogged. Then they were thrown in jail. As they prayed and sang, an earthquake broke open their leg chains and the jail doors. But they did not make their get away. They stayed in jail.
The story could be a lesson for the us in the developed world. During the times of financial uncertainity, it is like any economic jail for many of us.
Are we only thinking of only our situation? Are we thinking about those that are less fortunate then us? Are we thinking about those that are truly in the poverty jail?
Girls in the Congo spend many hours a day going to get water for their families. In Bulape, they have to walk about 2-3 miles to the water source. Then they have to walk back and up the hill to their homes. They will be carrying up to 40 pounds of water on their heads.
The story is the same to get firewood. And these stories are repeated everyday. They are in the poverty jail, there is no escape. They need our help to escape the poverty jail.