When you see water in two drums, you only see the end result. That's just the end of the story. You have missed the difficulty of getting the water. So that you can have a drink of water (after it was boiled). So that you can have water to cook your food. So you can have water to wash your hands and body.
If you are like me, you take water for granted. However, it only takes the sight of a girl carrying water to your house for me to change my mind. She carried it on her head. But she where did she get the water?
I waited until she dumped the water in one of the two drums. Then I followed her to the source of this needed water. It took about three minutes for her to make it to the water source. The source was a underground water cistern at the neighboring school.
Everyone is not so fortunate to have a underground cistern nearby. Most girls walk miles to get water. That's life in rural poor Congo.