Achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for water is within reach even for rural Congo. It will not be done by 2015 but at some point in the not too distance future. However, sanitation is problem globally.
I see the sanitation problem and related issues every where. It's a stinking, dirty mess!
Fifty years ago, I hated going into outhouses in the rural South (US). Today, I hate going into pit latrines in urban Congo. When is it going to end?
Over 2.5 billion people currently lack access to improved sanitation - including one billion people practicing open defecation. Addressing the ‘unfinished business’ of the MDGs is a high priority in the post-2015 sustainable development framework. There is growing country based and global stakeholder consensus that post-2015 sanitation related goals and targets should aim for the global elimination of open defecation by 2025 and the universal access to sanitation by 2030.In April 2013 the World Bank Development Committee endorsed the following goals: End extreme poverty and; promote shared prosperity and foster income growth of the bottom 40% of the population in every country. Eliminating open defecation globally and achieving universal access to sanitation is key to achieving both of these goals.
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