What is "extreme poverty"? My simple definition, exteme poverty is a killer!
Here's the definition from "The End of Poverty" by Jeffrey D. Sachs.
"As a matter of definition, it is useful to distinguish between three degrees of poverty: extreme (or absolute) poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty. Extreme poverty means that households cannot meet basic needs for survival. They are chronically hungry, unable to access health care, lack the amenities of safe drinking water and sanitation, cannot afford education for some or all of the children, and perhaps lack rudimentary shelter--a roof to keep the rain out of the hut, a chimney to remove the smoke from the cook stove--and basic articles of clothing, such as shoes. Unlike moderate and relative poverty, extreme poverty occurs only in developing countries. Moderate poverty generally refers to conditions of life in which basic needs are met, but just barely. Relative poverty is generally construed as a household income level below a given proportion of average national income. The relatively poor, in high-income countries, lack access to cultural goods, entertainment, recreation, and to quality health care, education, and other perquisites for upward social mobility."
Congo is a place where the majority of people live in extreme poverty.
You have really painted an accurate picture of poverty for those who have not been exposed to it. Thanks for educating people!
Posted by: Kathy Adams | May 16, 2010 at 10:44 PM
Hi Kathy,
You are welcome. I invite you send me some questions.
Posted by: Woody M. Collins | May 16, 2010 at 11:18 PM