Congo Helping Hands distributes mosquito nets "free of charge" to those most vulnerable to malaria, pregnant mothers and children under five years old. We purchase subsidized mosquito nets from the Bulape Health Zone. The health have mosquito nets for sale. However, we found that the poor can not afford or they are very reluctant to purchase mosquito nets. Pictured are bundles of mosquito nets in the Bulape Health Zones' warehouse.
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Nothing but Nets ... and coltan
John, I knew I could count on you!
Mr. Collins, I hope that you could assist us with our event. We would like to have a display and information to distribute to the students participating. I could pickup and drop off any displays that you could loan us or better we would love for you to help us with a presentation on the day of the event. I agree with John on exposing our youth to community groups. Getting the youth engaged and thinking-talking about social issues is vital and TGIF's primary goal.
I believe that we could have a presence at Marian on the 16th. It does make for an excellent opportunity for social activism and coverage of cross-curriculum instruction. I have worked on a couple of service learning projects over the years here at Cathedral and we have began a new initiative with the hopes of encouraging the use of service learning with a recent hiring of a service learning coordinator.
John, could you keep me informed on the logistic? I will need a week notice to meet the requirements to excuse the students from school. This does look like a great opportunity for a future service learning project.
I copied the members of TGIF and Sister Jackie on this correspondence mainly to keep them in the loop.
Thanks for the information and opportunity
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:04 PM
Subject: FW: Nothing but Nets ... and coltan
Sounds like a good opportunity for Cathedral students and parents to learn more about the challenges of malaria, and how easy it is for individuals to make a difference. Dennis, meet Woody Collins, head of Congo Helping Hands, an important local nonprofit group working in Congo. Woody has a good display of a crib with netting. Perhaps you know of other groups that might have displays of other kinds of nets, Woody. In addition to connecting to Nothing but Nets, it will be great if the Cathedral community learns about local groups like Woody's that they can support. Let me know what I can do to help with the event.
Speaking of Congo, Dennis, on April 16 at Marian College we hope to help launch what could be a great program for high school students next school year. The focus will be coltan, a mineral found mostly in Congo that produces a couple of alloys that are necessary for every cell phone and laptop in the world. Struggles over coltan-rich regions are said to be fueling Congo's civil wars, and the mining is leading to rapid destruction of habitat for endangered species such as silver-back gorillas. What a great theme for the sort of campaign that links our consumption and lifestyle to a civil war and environmental disaster no one has heard of on the other side of the world. Imagine campaigns that would be like "blood diamonds", or "fair trade coffee", or "recycle a phone = save a gorilla." And it could start in Indianapolis.
It'’s also great for a group of high school students to work on together. It's one of the only topics I can think of that needs both social and natural science: geology and geography, chemistry and environmental sciences, business (a case study of social entrepreneurship) and history (look at the long history of exploitation of Congolese people whenever their natural resources are exploited).
April 16 Marian College is bringing in John Katunga, the head of Catholic Relief Services in Nairobi, to talk about the Kenyan crisis. Katunga is from Congo is one of the world's experts on the coltan industries. So that afternoon around 2:00 we'd like to get together a group of high school students and teachers who might be interested in working together on a coltan/Congo project. We'll also be joined by some of the groups around Indy working in Congo (including, I hope, Woody Collins), by the White House's National Security Council adviser on post-conflict stabilization, and some others. It should be an informal, brainstorming discussion that I hope will generate enthusiasm so that some of the students present will want to take a leader role. My Provocate colleague Gwyneth has collected a thorough collection of background information and connections about coltan, but we want to remain in a supporting position what will make it a truly important initiative is if it mobilizes the imagination and creativity of kids.
We are waiting to hear from Marian where we will be meeting, I hope to send you a formal invitation Monday. In the meantime, think of any of your colleagues who would like to be involved. We are still hoping to get the active participation of some science teachers. It's a pity we are going to have to do this meeting at 2:00, since it surely makes it tougher for teachers to attend Â… but Marian is doing us a favor to meet with Katunga so we make the best of what we have. What is most important for this April 16 is getting a few students at 6-10 different schools excited about working on this next year. We will have time to talk later with teachers who can'’t get away on Wednesday afternoon.
Could you think of any students you think would be particularly interested in this meeting on the 16th?
We have a couple of other Congo-related events scheduled for later April so I hope that we can build on the enthusiasm from the 16th.
Let me know what you think. Thanks,
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 3:41 PM
Subject: Nothing but Nets
Hello John, Hope all is well. It is busy as always in the teaching world. Our little club TGIF (taking global issues further) has been able to secure a date and time for a fund raiser for Nothing but Nets. We are going to play a 3 on 3 basketball tournament with all the proceeds going to the cause (except covering the cost of t-shirts). We had a few issues with resources and many conflicts, but have secured a date and time for our tournament -- this Saturday the 12th 2-6:00 pm. I know this is late notice, but was hoping that you could put me in touch with a local chapter, or individual that could set up a net or two and provide us with some educational opportunities. Our goals are two fold: to raise money for Nothing But Nets and second to educate and engage the youth of Cathedral. I have attached a student created flyer that is hanging in the halls of Cathedral. We will be very busy this week to pull the whole thing off (especially just coming of spring break).
Any help or direction you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Your friend, Dennis
Keep Thinking and Doing What's Right!